“The more you fuck around, the more you find out” initially sounded like a careless, nonsensical phrase to me. I rejected it strongly. This principle was against the way I live my life — always cautious, calculated, and considering every risk before taking action. However, as time went by, the more I reflected on it, the more I began to realize that maybe there’s some hidden truth in that phrase. It feels strange to admit that a principle I once opposed has now become a part of my life.
before I understand the sentence, I didn’t fully understand why I was so against it. Maybe it’s because I’ve always tried to keep a positive mindset and avoid things with negative connotations. I wanted everything to go according to plan, without risks that could potentially disrupt the stability of my life. But after reflecting more deeply and trying to test that phrase in my own life, I began to realize that my overly cautious approach to life also had its flaws. Maybe there is actually a good side to taking risks that I’ve been ignoring all this time.
Without realizing it, this mindset was actually draining my energy. I got stuck in a cycle of unnecessary worries, wasting a lot of energy thinking about things that might never even happen. My life, which was already complicated enough, seemed even more burdened by all these worries. I didn’t want to make my life harder, so I kept thinking that the best way was to always be cautious and stay positive. But as I grew older, I started to realize that it’s impossible to live completely free from risk and uncertainty.
Each stage of life brings more responsibilities and choices to make. This is where I began to realize the importance of wisely channeling the energy I have. We can’t avoid every risk, but we can choose where we are willing to take that risk.
At this point, I started to question my approach to life. Do I really need to keep playing it safe? Is avoiding risks really the only way to live happily? Eventually, I decided to test the principle I once strongly opposed. I began to act more spontaneously, trying to be bolder in taking steps that were out of the ordinary. The result? My life felt much more alive. When I started taking calculated risks, I discovered many new things about myself and the world around me.
Of course, following this principle doesn’t mean everything became easier. There were moments when I faced failure or outcomes I didn’t expect. But on the other hand, from every failure, I learned something new. I began to understand that life isn’t about avoiding uncertainty, but about how we face it. Every decision, even if it seems scary at first, brings valuable lessons in the end.
Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary, but that’s where true growth happens. When we step beyond the boundaries we’ve created for ourselves, we’re faced with unexpected things. However, it’s in those unexpected things that we find growth. A life that’s too orderly, though comfortable, can become boring. Over time, we may feel stuck — nothing new, no challenges. On the other hand, when we dare to go further and try new things, we start to see life from a different perspective. These new experiences may not always be pleasant, but they’re always meaningful.
In every challenge, there is a valuable lesson. In every failure, there is an opportunity to learn. A colorful life isn’t a life free from problems, but a life filled with the courage to face uncertainty. I started to realize that failure isn’t the end of everything. Failure is part of the learning process, part of the journey toward growth.
Now, I understand better the importance of taking risks and trying new things. Life isn’t about seeking certainty in every step, but about how we embrace uncertainty and use every experience, good or bad, as a lesson. Maybe we shouldn’t be afraid to “fuck around”— of course, with wise consideration. Every time we try something new, we expand our own boundaries, and from that, we learn more about who we really are.
Finally, the phrase I once thought was careless has now become one of the principles I hold dear. The more we try, the more we learn. In every challenge, there is potential for growth, and in every risk, there is an opportunity to find deeper meaning in this life.