It feels good when you’re not in rush anymore
Life often feels like a race. A race to get to the next stage, to achieve the next milestone, or to simply keep up with the expectations of others. For years, I lived this way — constantly in motion, pushing myself to tick off boxes on a checklist that never seemed to end.
Wake up, rush to work or class, cram every minute with productivity, and go to bed feeling like I hadn’t done enough. The thought of slowing down felt wrong, as if taking a break meant I was falling behind. But over time, I realized that living like this wasn’t sustainable. Worse, it wasn’t fulfilling.
One day, I woke up and decided to try something new: to not rush.
It started small. I stopped checking my phone first thing in the morning. Instead, I took a moment to look out the window and just breathe. I began walking slower, noticing the world around me — the colors of the sky, the sound of birds, the laughter of people passing by. At first, it felt strange.
As I let go of the rush, I noticed something important: life felt richer. Conversations became deeper because I wasn’t distracted by what I had to do next. My work improved because I gave it my full attention instead of multitasking. Even simple moments, like sipping coffee or reading a book, brought joy because I allowed myself to truly be present.
Slowing down didn’t mean I stopped caring about goals or responsibilities. It meant I stopped letting them control me. I learned to prioritize what truly mattered and to let go of the noise. The deadlines, the expectations, the pressure — they didn’t disappear, but they no longer dictated my every move.
Of course, there are still days when I catch myself rushing, falling into old habits. But now, I know how to pause, take a step back, and remind myself: life isn’t a race. It’s a journey.
And the best part? When you’re not in a rush anymore, you realize how much beauty there is along the way — beauty you never noticed before.
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to try it. Slow down, even just a little. You might be surprised by how good it feels.